Knog Bicycle Lights
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Knog Plus rear and front bike lights is a bike light that you can mount in a wide variety of locations. If you're a runner it also functions as a night running light. Simply attach the light to your jersey, shorts, socks or headband with the integrated smart clip. Plus it ensures that you'll be seen by all other cyclists, motorists and runners all night long.
- Kit includes 2 lights (front and rear)
- 40 lumen LEDs (front) and 20 lumen LEDs (rear)
- RUNNING TIME: 20 hours
- DIMENSIONS : 14 x 66 x 18mm (ea)
- WEIGHT : 12g (ea)
- INTEGRATED CLIP: remove the light from the magnetic holder and clip it to your shirt, shorts, socks or bags with the portable clip that can be used.
- LED: Efficient Chip on Board (COB) LEDs designed to provide a maximum brightness level of up to 90% of the battery on time for each mode.
- LIGHT MODES: Constant, pulse, strobe, deluxe flash, echo flash.
- 100% WATERPROOF: The Plus (+) is IP67 tested and is 100% waterproof against all elements .
- INTEGRATED USB PLUG: no charging cable required, plugs directly into the USB ports and is designed to be exposed to the elements
- BUTTON: Longer push button (0.75sec) prevents accidental power-on. Short presses switch modes continuously .
- Charging time: 4 hours (LED will turn off when fully charged)
- BATTERY: USB rechargeable lithium polymer
- BYCYCLE HOLDING: tool-free removable silicone straps for seat posts 22 - 32mm + diameter with magnetic mount. Fits aerodynamic style seatposts.
- ACCESSORIES INCLUDED: 2x interchangeable straps for 22-27mm / 28-32mm + seat posts, and magnetic mount.