Double Executive Pannier
Double Executive Pannier
Double Executive Pannier
Double Executive Pannier
Double Executive Pannier
Double Executive Pannier
Double Executive Pannier

Double Executive Pannier

Precio habitual$49.99
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    *YERKA entrega paquetes en términos de Entregado en el Lugar (DAP). Es posible que se apliquen tarifas, cargos, impuestos y otros cargos de importación en el momento de la entrega. Todas nuestras bicicletas son completamente ensambladas y enviadas desde nuestro almacén principal en Chile.

The double executive pannier is ideal for all types of journeys and also perfect as an urban pannier. It features two spacious bags connected in a way that leaves the top of the rack free for carrying whatever you need. They are very lightweight and easy to install and remove.

Made entirely of 600D Oxford fabric
Waterproof: 19.00 inches of water
Durable stitching
Attaches to any type of rack with straps and Velcro
3M reflective bands
Two multifunctional exterior pockets
Volume capacity: 40 liters
Dimensions: 39x29x15 cm

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